Penis size is a major cause of many psychological problems in men. Self-confidence depends on the value of "dignity". And the imprint is imposed on relationships with women. Until the development of the strongest complexes and fear of sex. Today, there are dozens of ways to solve this problem. Numerous advertisements and inscriptions call for rubbing ointments and gels into the genitals and taking expensive pills and other medicines. But the effect of such techniques has not yet been proven. And if there is, then it does not last more than a few hours. Most men are already familiar with these methods, so we will consider alternative options on how to enlarge the penis without fat, without cream or without gel.
Non-surgical techniques
To help men today, several techniques have been devised that allow the penis to be given firmness and elasticity. Their effect is long-lasting and allows a man to forget about his problem forever and not to be confused about how to enlarge his penis without creams and other "helpers" in the form of ointments and pills.
Vacuum pump
Pros: immediate effect after application.
- darkening of the skin of the penis,
- prolonged use leads to penile edema and reduced erections,
- the method is very traumatic and is not recommended for beginners /
The use of a vacuum pump is perhaps one of the most controversial techniques whose effect is highly questionable. By putting the penis in a vacuum, swelling occurs. Microscopic bleeding leads to poor erections. Many men say that using a pump does not give a long lasting effect. Therefore, you can use this method only if the desire to enlarge the penis without gel or any other fat outweighs the health risk.

An analogue of a conventional pump that has recently appeared on the market. The device works in the same way, but water is used instead of air. The penis is in contact only with fluid, so this method removes redness and bruises that occur when using a conventional pump. The hydraulic pump allows you to increase the width of the penis and make it thicker for a while. It takes about 20 minutes a day to use it, which will lead to a good erection and swelling of the penis.
Extension cord, hanging, jelqing - hand massage
Another modern way to enlarge the penis without pills is to stretch the penis in different ways. This includes manual massage, hanging and the use of an apparatus called an extender. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, which are important to know before you decide on a procedure.
This is a modern hanging appliance. It consists of rods with springs that act as weights and a long hose to adjust the tension. This device needs to be worn for 6 hours a day.
Advantages: the effect comes pretty quickly - the results are visible in a few weeks. Ideally, the penis can be extended by 4 centimeters in length and one centimeter in width. The device is ideal for beginners - there is less risk of injury.
Disadvantages: cheap models of devices can cause pain, and high-quality ones are much more expensive.

Jelqing or manual exercises
This method is not suitable for those who want to instantly enlarge the penis without creams and various devices. If when using an extender the results appear after six months, then the effect can be achieved with manual exercises only if it is not possible to buy an extender. This option is suitable for young boys at the age of 22 - while the elasticity of the tissue allows you to change the length of the penis.
Pros: Exercise doesn’t last long during the day, and exercise only needs a good warming penis lubrication cream.
Cons: The result is achieved after two years, the technique must be thoroughly studied and adjusted, and if the exercises are performed incorrectly, injuries are possible.
Suspension of cargo
The method consists of standing with a load attached to the penis for at least an hour each day. Quite tiring and difficult, as movement during this activity should be kept to a minimum.
Bitan!Many people who want to increase their fat-free penis try to hang as much as possible right away - from 5 pounds and up. It should be understood that gradual stretching is important, not heavy weight.
Pros: You can hang any material at hand.
Cons: It will take several years to increase the size of the penis, and the method itself is not suitable for beginners and is quite traumatic.

Surgical intervention
The most radical and most effective way to enlarge the penis without creams or pills is surgery. But here, too, there are pros and cons. The operation involves cutting the ligament in the penis. And then follows a period of rehabilitation, ie the use of the same extension cord. It should be worn for up to six months after surgery. In this case, the best thing you can count on is an increase in the penis to a maximum of two centimeters. In addition, any operation is dangerous because of its complications.
Which way to choose
Each of the above methods has its advantages and disadvantages. What seems like a good way to others is completely inappropriate.
- Jelqing is suitable for those who have time to study methodology and training.
- The hydraulic pump gives a good effect if used alternately with the attachment. But it enlarges the penis, mostly in thickness.
- The vacuum pump and suspension are not suitable for beginners and lead to micro injuries.
- The easiest and safest way to enlarge the penis without fat and cream is to use an extender.
Bitan!It is indeed possible to achieve a change in the size of the penis without surgery. But don't flatter yourself. Penis enlargement without fat and pills will be insignificant - a maximum of 2-3 centimeters. Talk to your doctor before using any of the above methods.